The Thorpe Bay Surgery 99 Tyrone Rd, Southend-on-Sea SS1 3HD Tel: 01702 582670
North Shoeburyness Surgery Frobisher Way, Shoeburyness, SS3 8UT Tel: 01702 297976

We now use Anima to triage patients.
The right patient, at the right time, seen by the right clinician.
Appointments are for one person and are scheduled in ten-minute slots for medical concerns only. If you feel you may need more time, please let us know during triage so we can book a double appointment for you.
Our appointments include a mix of face-to-face, video, and telephone consultations, giving you flexibility to choose the option that suits you best.
We aim to make accessing care as convenient as possible. Through the Anima platform, you can book appointments at any of our three surgery locations, based on what works best for you. This ensures you have the freedom to choose a location that fits your needs while still receiving efficient, high-quality care.
To reduce waiting times, we may occasionally schedule your appointment at a different branch if the earliest slot isn’t available at your usual location. Rest assured, no matter which branch you attend, you will receive the same outstanding care and attention from our dedicated team.

How to make an appointment

GP practices are experiencing significant strain with declining GP numbers and increasing demand. Ensuring that patients are seen by the appropriate clinician in the right place and the right time means that patient care and experience is improved, and it reduces pressure on GP practices, allowing GPs to spend their time where it is needed the most. The idea behind a total digital triage is also to avoid the 8am rush that has become a problem for many. This approach is supported by NHS England who have advised that GP surgeries consider this approach in future.
Anima seamlessly and confidentially integrates with your medical record bringing improvements to how you request appointments and how our staff assess your condition.
Anima allows our Clinical Triage team to continue to improve access times by helping us to direct you to the most appropriate care for your medical needs. This ensures we make use of our limited resources in the most safe and efficient way. All appointments will continue to be offered according to clinical urgency and need. By using this triage system, it means that patients will be managed more equitably and effectively, connecting our patients efficiently to the right person for the right service.
Home Visit Appointments
Our surgeries provides home visits to patients within our catchment area.
If you feel you need a home visit to visit then please try to call before 10am on the day, you may also submit a Anima Triage. The Doctor may want to phone you back, as it may be possible to deal with the problem over the phone.
We will always visit:
The terminally Ill.
The housebound patients.
Please call reception to book a home visit
The Thorpe Bay Surgery: 01702 582670
North Shoebury Surgery: 01702 297976
The Shaftesbury Avenue: The Shaftesbury Avenue: Can call either Surgery
Please note that a clinician has both the right and the responsibility to make a final decision on whether a home visit will be made and how urgently a visit is needed. Patients out side the surgeries catchment area will not get a home vitist.
The surgeries reception teams can help with Anima triages over the phone.
We can give advice over the phone on how to treat your illness and use local health care services.
You may be offered medication, if this is the case then the doctor will prepare a prescription for you, which will be available to collect from your nominated pharmacy.
Please call us if you have any queries
The Thorpe Bay Surgery: 01702 582670
North Shoebury Surgery: 01702 297976
The Shaftesbury Avenue: Can call either Surgery
Our Telephone lines are open
from 8.00am - 6.30pm Monday to Friday.
Video Appointments
If appropriate we can offer a video consultation.
Video consultations can be used for a number of different issues and conditions and can be booked with a GP. You will need a smartphone and you don't need to download any software beforehand.
We follow NHS guidance and use secure, NHS approved software to ensure that we use video consultations safely and effectively.
We have made sure that our video consultations are easy for you to access and use.
Telephone Appointments
How to get online
What users can do in your NHS App
The NHS App enables people in England to access digital health and care services. This helps them stay well, get well, and manage their health.
The NHS App features that users can access will vary depending on location, GP system, and whether they have verified their identity.
Who can use the NHS App
The NHS App is available to anyone 13 years and over and registered with an NHS GP practice in England or Isle of Man.
It’s a safe and simple way for people to access a range of NHS services on smartphone, tablet or computer.

People can use the NHS App to:
view prescription information, order repeat prescriptions, and view, set, or change the pharmacy they want to collect prescriptions from (their nominated pharmacy).
view test results.
view their GP health record
access NHS 111 online
manage hospital and secondary care referrals and appointments
get health advice using the health A-Z on the NHS website
find NHS services nearby
register for a GP online
register for health research
link accounts to help family members and carers access health services on behalf of other people
choose and manage how their data is used and shared
access Personal Health Record (PHR) services, currently available in 33 ICS areas across England

Airmid can be downloaded from either Google Play or the Apple App Store – just search for Airmid. Many of our services are starting to offer Airmid as a new way of communicating with our patients. As a patient you can see you full medical history, order prescription online, see medical letters and track your results.
Try the new Airmid app now.
You can log in with your SystmOnline username and password.